Friday, March 26, 2010

Post sandstorm syndrome

I am coughing my lungs out today. It must be resulting from the sandstorm on Monday. Ai!!! How can I love spring when it hurts so much!

You know, it’s not possible to wear sunglasses and a face mask at the same time because the lenses will be moistened when you exhale. So between your eyes and your lungs, you can only choose one.

It’s no longer global warming. It’s called “global weirding”, meaning an increase in severe or unusual environmental activity often attributed to global warming. (Global weirding includes an increase in average temperatures, heat waves, cold spells, hurricanes, blizzards, plant and animal die-offs and population explosions, and new animal migration patterns.)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Weird dreams

One thing I like about winter is that I always sleep well when the nights are long and quiet. Now spring is coming and I begin to have weird dreams. I actually rarely remember them, but there are exceptions.

One morning last week I woke up and recalled I was converted to a vampire. What had happened in the dream was quite blurry. It was neither bloody nor scary, and it must be the most dramatic and exhilarating dream I’d ever had. I admit I have a special liking for enigmatic vampires, but I haven’t been watching Twilight or True blood recently. The only clue to which I could relate the dream was a piece of gossip I saw on TV that night about Robert Pattinson.

Another dream was technically a nightmare. I was cramming for several exams and had to learn everything by rote, which was the case in reality in my high school. When I struggled to open my eyes, I was so relieved to realize I was no longer a student and would never be judged by scores. My interpretation to the dream is the scar is so deep that it’s still haunting me after a decade! Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t a bad student. I just hate to be forced to learn.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Goodbye winter

4 1/2 months in a long down coat,
Snow on March 8.
"It's the coldest winter in ten years."
Said the meteorologist.
It’s the coldest winter as far as I remember.

Twigs are budding,
Ice is thawing.
Cold front is on the wane,
Warm spell is on the way.
Goodbye winter,
See you in November.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Sitting in front of the desk, trying to write something, but haven’t got a clue on where to start. Unconsciously, I clicked on taobao again.

It’s such a treasure trove! Anything you can think of or things beyond your imagination are available 24/7 at irresistible prices. All you need is a pair of discerning eyes to pick out the good stuff.

The other day I checked my account to find out how much money I’ve spent on online shopping in the past 2.5 years. Not unexpectedly, it’s a 5 digit number. What’s that saying, huh? Penny and penny laid up will be many.

I like the feeling of opening packages sent from different parts of the country. They are like gifts for myself. But there are disappoints once in a while, of course. Learn the lesson and be a smart shopper next time. Online shopping is fun!