Monday, May 30, 2011

Ready to move on

SPT的新员工今天入职,是个毕业不到一年的姑娘。能拿到这份offer,应该是很幸运的。AXN的招聘也基本尘埃落定,一直以为要招个男生做销售,结果还是会来个小女生。通过这次招聘我开始重新审视自己当初的选择和目前的状态。收到的简历根本就没有出身名校或者五百强公司的。背景好的人大概都don’t give a shit about sony pictures。想想四年前进公司的时候,可是名校加上知名外企的背景,比其他同级别同事的背景要好得多。快四年了,最初的骄傲和兴奋丧失殆尽,对公司失去了耐心和信心。尽管每年的performance review总是被归在exceed expectations那栏,工资的涨幅却一直都是single digit。升职的事老板从去年开始已经提了不下三次,每次说完便杳无音信。公司的发展空间也确实很有限。再等最后一个月。

I finally come to the conclusion that I don’t have to be here and I don’t want to be stuck here. It’s time to move on. I’m ready.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Debut presentation

"Aside from death, speaking in front of large audiences is the most feared activity for adults."

I read this from an HR training material, one chapter of which was about presentation skills, on a plane to Shenzhen where I was supposed to give a presentation to our affiliates last month.

Doing presentations in class used to be a task I hated most when I was in colleague. Usually quiet and low profile, I wasn’t confident or comfortable being stared at and judged by my peers.

But I had to do it as the job required. In a dimly lit conference room, there sat about 50 audiences. They were young and seemed easy to communicate. I suddenly felt relaxed as if a dose of tranquilizer had been injected into my body. Was it the only benefit of getting old – confidence in front of younger people?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My very superficial impressions of America

From a tourist’s perspective, America is the most unmysterious country in the world with all its brands spreading aggressively to every obscure corner of the world. Maybe you can’t live for one day without using a made-in-China product; I can’t live for one day without using an American brand. For example, right now I’m typing in Microsoft word.

Traveling in America is a journey of verifying what you have seen or heard from the media. So what’s it really like?
McDonald’s – where have all the KFCs gone? To China I guess.
Highways – no wonder road movie has become a specific genre.
Over-weighted people – ah.. seeing is believing!
Made-in-China – 99% of the products in souvenir stores are made in China.

Speaking of shopping, an old lady in our tour group said contemptuously, with a strong feeling of superiority, which was typical of Shanghainese, that they had more boutiques in Shanghai, why bother buying from the US? She was right. In Shanghai, people have more options with brands from Japan to Korea, from America to Europe. It’s more international in a certain way.

Back home, the first thing I did was to order some Sichuan dishes which I’d been hankering after during the trip. The restaurant was noisy and boisterous; the food was hot and spicy. At that moment I realized it was my stomach that decided where I chose to live; nothing else mattered.