Spring is coming. Everything is waking slowly to the warm sunshine. Business activities become alive again.
It was because of a series of coincidences that I could attend Casbaa's online video forum last week. With my boss on biz trip and another co-worker leaving, it was my turn. Formal dress and light makeup made me feel like a different person, as if they had driven away all the winter blues.
It was actually a good opportunity for me to meet new people, especially when most of them were senior corporate executives. Though I was just a junior, the fact that I was the only participant from SPE attracted some attention and it was a rewarding experience learning from and networking with them. A project manager from Microsoft doing Bing video search was glad to know about new media; a Malaysian girl from DW came to promote their programs; a young guy happened to be the translator at a Sony movie premiere last month and knew some of my colleagues… It’s not a big world.
Maybe we won’t meet again or have any connections in the future. But I’ll remember the day, unlike any normal day in the office.